Free Summer Workshop!It’s Holiday time and our Summer Workshop Bus filled with goodies and memories for the Children is coming up in Lagos Nigeria.Be on the lookout. We believe Every Child Matters and No Child should be left behind for whatever reason. God Bless our Children.
Giving Children the Opportunity to thrive. Still in our workshop. @bimsfashions was on the ground to teach the children how to make purses and bangles. Very productive children As a Nation, as individuals we need to empower our children with vast opportunities so they are not limited. Building tomorrow’s Entrepreneurs. Be the change you want the world to see.
After work comes the celebration’s! Our Children proudly showing off their efforts and of course their certificatesF. Skinner’s theory of operant conditioning — the idea that behavior is determined by its consequences, be they reinforcements or punishments @bf_skinner @b.f.skinn
Still on our Summer Workshop.Thankful for the opportunity to put smiles and build if not much but a tiny bit of hope in these children’s lives.We had hoped the Summer Workshop could go on for two days… However we are still thankful for the opportunity to even have this one. Drop by Drop we make impacts . The Children all learnt Moral Values through Arts and Crafts to Maths,Hygiene, General Knowledge through different play activities, games, and more. So many Children have not by choice had to step into the roles and responsibility of adults and the child in them have been suppressed. Thankful to be able to bring out the child in them even for a couple of hours.Finally thank you to everyone who made this happen,to our different empowerment providers, to our in house family volunteers who left their businesses, plans to freely support us on the day, to those parents who travelled from a distance just because they wanted their children to be part of it, to those who planned but couldn’t make it
. May all our investment’s in our Children and Children’s Children never ever be in vain. They shall continue to be unending joys and lights in the world. Every Child Matters and it’s left to us to make this happen. Children are the legacy we leave behind. Help build the legacy of our Summer Children’s Workshop. God is Love. @sleekweave@bimsfashions